Significance and Transition of the National Athletic Competition 전국체육대회의 의미와 변화
정문현JungMoon-hyun , 진윤수JinYoon-soo
56(1) 1-10, 2017
Significance and Transition of the National Athletic Competition 전국체육대회의 의미와 변화
정문현JungMoon-hyun , 진윤수JinYoon-soo
The volition of independence of the people formed through the athletic meet during the Japanese occupation period has been advancing through the 1st All Joseon Baseball Tournament, a predecessor of the National Sports Festival, into the National Athletic Competition. The National Sports Festival, which was organized by the Joseon Amateur Sports Association in response to the “Joseon Athletic Association” organized by Japanese people utilizing the function of the national spirit cultivation of sports in the Korean peninsula that had lost its sovereignty to Japan and became its colony, is Korea’s largest national sports festival that has brought about the independence of Joseon and allowed the sports potential of Korea to grow to current capacity. It is necessary to reexamine the role of the National Sports Festival throughout our history that played the role of the national liberation and racial harmony and cultivated highly competent athletes and instructors through the improvement of athletic performance to make their mark in the world. In addition, it has elevated the national status of Korea as being a sports powerhouse, cultivated the national sports for all, increased the local economy and culture of the host regions and brought about the harmony of regional people. For the National Sports Festival that is our historic heritage and national sports event handed down through the blood and sweat of our ancestors, it would be necessary to make it into an event during which the significance of the National Sports Festival can be reflected upon in collaboration with historical commemorative programs.
Key Words
전국체육대회, the National Athletic Competition
It is Time to Investigate The ‘History of Sport Science’ 스포츠과학사 연구의 필요성에 대한 제언
진현주JinHyunju , 나영일NaYoung-il
56(1) 11-23, 2017
It is Time to Investigate The ‘History of Sport Science’ 스포츠과학사 연구의 필요성에 대한 제언
진현주JinHyunju , 나영일NaYoung-il
The purpose of this research is to bring attention to ‘History of Sport Science’ in Sport Studies. Despite of substantial role of the Sport Natural Science in Sport Studies, it has been a neglected field as the major research subjects in History of Sport Studies.
This paper will urge the research on ‘History of Sport Science’ so as for ‘Sport History’ to function as a tool that envisions the landscape of Sport Studies. In this paper, we clarify the terminology of 'sport science' which has been used in a dual meaning and define the concept of ‘History of Sport Science’ as a historical study on the contents of the natural science in Sport Studies based on the tradition of History of Science, introduced the internal / external and macroscopic / microscopic approaches for accessing related research and emphasized the necessity of research of ‘History of Sport Science’.
Key Words
스포츠과학사, 스포츠자연과학, 과학사 연구방법, History of Sport Science, Sport Natural Science, History of Science, Research Methods in History of Science
Aesthetical Exploration on Acrobatic Techniques in Taekwondo Demonstration 태권도 시범에서 공중동작 기술의 미학적 탐색
장대은DaeeunJang , 안용규YongkyuAhn
56(1) 25-42, 2017
Aesthetical Exploration on Acrobatic Techniques in Taekwondo Demonstration 태권도 시범에서 공중동작 기술의 미학적 탐색
장대은DaeeunJang , 안용규YongkyuAhn
The purpose of this study is on aesthetical exploration of dynamic mid-air techniques used in mid-air during Taekwondo demonstrations. Related literatures and articles on aesthetics, Taekwondo, and martial arts were closely examined and studied for this study, and online sources were used for terminology analysis. This study attempts to prepare the foundation for aesthetical research on impressive acrobatic techniques used in Taekwondo demonstration, secure the value of these techniques in demonstration, and therefore contribute to the development of Taekwondo. Acrobatic Taekwondo techniques are flashy and fast. Movements consisted with turns and speed maximizes aesthetic sense. Such acrobatic techniques do not have the beauty of form or unity as shown in group demonstrations, but acrobatic techniques have unique unity and sublime beauty of one person. Moreover, same technique can be repeated by two or more people at the same time to fulfill splendor. acrobatic techniques with high level of difficulty especially show the beauty of balance, rhythm, and curves. Swift turns and leaps allow the performer to stay in the air, and enables the performer to express solemn beauty and sublime beauty. That is, acrobatic techniques used in Taekwondo demonstrations are an excellent tool to arouse aesthetic pleasure, maximizes the expressing method of beauty, and therefore contribute to improved quality of life. This study was therefore able to confirm the aesthetical value, fun, impression, and splendor of acrobatic techniques used in Taekwondo demonstrations.
Becoming Deconstructive Subject of Sports Viewed from Butler's 'Performativity' Concept Butler의 ‘수행성’ 개념을 통해 바라본 스포츠에서의 탈구성적 주체되기
김정은KimJeong-eun , 신현군ShinHyun-kun
56(1) 43-51, 2017
Becoming Deconstructive Subject of Sports Viewed from Butler's 'Performativity' Concept Butler의 ‘수행성’ 개념을 통해 바라본 스포츠에서의 탈구성적 주체되기
김정은KimJeong-eun , 신현군ShinHyun-kun
Socially, culturally and historically, human beings have always emphasized the pursuit of self-identification in order to become ethical beings which society need while individuals with complexity and difference have been classified as distinctiveness and been excluded in social and cultural terms. Recently, however, the difference between social universality and distinctiveness began to be seen not from the perspective of conflict but from connecting perspective of mutual acknowledgement. Therefore, placing importance on the fact that sports not only produce political, social and cultural ideologies but also retain performing identity of newly constructing them, this study aimed to explore in what ways athletes dismantle ideological standards for social universality and distinctiveness through the process of sports ‘performance.’
The Effect of Marine Sport Event Visitors' Satisfactions and City Image on Revisit and Recommendation: Focusing on 2015 Busan Cup Women’s International Match Race 해양스포츠 이벤트 관람자의 이미지, 만족도가 재방문 및 추천의도에 미치는 영향: 2015부산컵 세계여자매치레이스 요트대회를 중심으로
The Effect of Marine Sport Event Visitors' Satisfactions and City Image on Revisit and Recommendation: Focusing on 2015 Busan Cup Women’s International Match Race 해양스포츠 이벤트 관람자의 이미지, 만족도가 재방문 및 추천의도에 미치는 영향: 2015부산컵 세계여자매치레이스 요트대회를 중심으로
This study was conducted to examine how marine sport event visitors' satisfactions and city image effect on revisit and recommendation. To do this, we analyzed the socio-statistical characteristics of spectators, and examined the influence relationship among city image, satisfaction, revisit and recommendation intention. The results were as follows: First, 'family and relatives' as the companions of spectators of yacht competition were the most, and the route of acquiring the competition information was 'the other', in other words, that most of the respondents learned directly in the field, and 'car' as transportation means was the most. In addition, “local tourism” as watching purposes was the most and 'the day' as the period of stay was the most. Second, the image and satisfaction of spectators of yacht competition showed significant influence on revisit and recommendation intention. Specifically, program satisfaction and program agent satisfaction, which are a sub-factors of satisfaction, have a significant positive effect on revisit and recommendation intention. Through these research results, we were able to confirm inadequacy(lack of attractiveness, connections and public relations) of this event, and see what parts should be improved in order to be born again a sustainable event.
Key Words
해양스포츠이벤트, 관람자 만족도, 도시이미지, 재방문 및 추천의도, marine sport event, visitor satisfaction, city image, revisit and recommendation intention
A Study on the Experience and Improvement for Senior Sports Instructor Training Program by Utilizing Critical Incidents Technique 결정적 사건기법(CIT)을 이용한 노인스포츠지도사 연수과정 경험 및 개선사항 탐색
A Study on the Experience and Improvement for Senior Sports Instructor Training Program by Utilizing Critical Incidents Technique 결정적 사건기법(CIT)을 이용한 노인스포츠지도사 연수과정 경험 및 개선사항 탐색
The purpose of this study is to analyze the main educational service factors through the use of CIT (Critical Incidents Technique), which is one of the qualitative analysis techniques; It is aimed to present basic data so that the training can proceed. For this study, 505 trainees who completed the training course of the senior sports instructor were studied. The major results of the study are as follows. First, as a result of analyzing the positive experiences of the trainees who have experienced the trainee training for the senior sports instructor, they were identified as five key factors, lecturer, education program, facilities and environment, institute employee and site operation applicability. There were four factors in terms of negative experience: facility and environment, education program, lecturer, and job application. The number of items on improvement of training course service for senior sports instructor were three: facility and environment, education program and site operation applicability.
Key Words
결정적 사건기법, 노인스포츠지도사, 연수경험, senior sports instructor training program, CIT, Critical Incidents Technique, facility and environment, education program, site operation applicability, institute employee, lecturer
Influences of Physical Education Teacher Autonomy Support and Peer Relatedness Support on Students’ Psychological Need Satisfaction and Classroom Engagement in Women High School 체육교사의 자율성지지와 동료 간의 관계성지지가 여고생의 심리적 욕구만족과 학습참여에 미치는 영향
박수현ParkSooHyun , 천승현CheonSungHyeon , 김보람KimBoRam
56(1) 81-97, 2017
Influences of Physical Education Teacher Autonomy Support and Peer Relatedness Support on Students’ Psychological Need Satisfaction and Classroom Engagement in Women High School 체육교사의 자율성지지와 동료 간의 관계성지지가 여고생의 심리적 욕구만족과 학습참여에 미치는 영향
박수현ParkSooHyun , 천승현CheonSungHyeon , 김보람KimBoRam
The purpose of this study was to examine the influences of physical education(PE) teacher autonomy support and peer relatedness support on female students' psychological need satisfaction and emotional-behavioral engagement in women high school. With cross-sectional research design, female students(n=279) participated in this study and they were from women high schools located in Seoul. As a result, teacher autonomy support and peer relatedness support independently influenced female students’ psychological need satisfaction, which in turn positively predicted their emotional-behavioral engagement. The findings demonstrated that both teacher autonomy support and peer relatedness support were important antecedents to positively predict students' psychological need satisfaction for autonomy, competence, and relatedness and behavioral-emotional engagement in women high school physical education. Especially, female students’ need satisfaction for autonomy, competence, and relatedness played an important role as mediators between peer relatedness support and behavioral-emotional engagement.
Film < One for All, All for One >Talk About ‘Zainichi(Koreans in Japan)’ 영화<60만번의 트라이>, ‘자이니치’를 말하다
장승현JangSeung-hyun , 이근모LeeKeun-mo
56(1) 99-110, 2017
Film < One for All, All for One >Talk About ‘Zainichi(Koreans in Japan)’ 영화<60만번의 트라이>, ‘자이니치’를 말하다
장승현JangSeung-hyun , 이근모LeeKeun-mo
The purpose of this study was to focus on the social influence of the movie < One for All, All for One >, to review the meaning and symbolism of Koreans living in Japan (ざいにち) and rugby in the movie, and to eventually reveal the messages from the movie. The research method was text analysis. As a result, Koreans living in Japan were represented in 2 ways. Koreans living in Japan were represented as Homo Sacer, the contradictory being, located inside society by Japan’s sovereignty but considered as outsiders. Meanwhile, the identity of Koreans living in Japan were represented clearly as Korean and they were acknowledged in Japan as proud and capable. The rugby in the movie has 2 symbolic meanings. First, it was the most important and effective way to prove Korean existence in Japan by representing the struggle for recognition, additionally it also carried an important message about their ideal society.
Key Words
스포츠 영화, 자이니치, 럭비, sport film, One for All, All for One, Zainichi, rugby
The Social Capital Types in the Trainees of Laopaoquan-a Traditional Chinese Martial Arts 중국 전통무술 노포권 수련자 사형제 간 사회자본 유형
이현신LeeHyunshin , 김지선KimJisun , 김찬룡KimChanryong
56(1) 111-124, 2017
The Social Capital Types in the Trainees of Laopaoquan-a Traditional Chinese Martial Arts 중국 전통무술 노포권 수련자 사형제 간 사회자본 유형
이현신LeeHyunshin , 김지선KimJisun , 김찬룡KimChanryong
This study aims to analyze what was structural and relational features which was formed between teachers and learners during the training process for trainees of laopaoquan, one of traditional Chinese martial arts, what is social capital was made through interactions, how the acquired social capital appears and what exchange relations it has and to provide positive recognition for traditional martial arts, one of Chinese traditional cultures and basic sources for establishing social functions of Chinese traditional martial arts. In order to accomplish this goal, I integrated qualitative research method with in-depth interviews. As a result, types of social capital which teachers and learners training laopaoquan are broadly divided into three categories: Network, mutual trust, and reciprocal regulation. Network is also divided into three sub-categories: getting a job, stability and techniques. Mutual trust can be classified into three sub-categories: economy, care. Reciprocal regulation is classified with reciprocal living and professional regulation.
Key Words
사회자본 유형, 노포권, 중국 전통무술, Social Capital Types, Chinese Martial Arts, Laopaoquan
A Study on University Student’s Recognition of Physical Education by IPA IPA 기법을 활용한 대학생의 교양체육 인식연구
56(1) 125-138, 2017
A Study on University Student’s Recognition of Physical Education by IPA IPA 기법을 활용한 대학생의 교양체육 인식연구
This study aims to suggest rating factors of the importance and the satisfaction for selecting physical education class for university students and to provide an implication of vitalizing physical education class for university students with comparative analysis between importance and satisfaction using IPA analysis. 285 university students have chosen through a convenience sampling method. The results were as follows. First, Safety of Facilities’, ‘Facility Convenience’, ‘Facility accessibility’, ‘Variety of Facilities’, ‘Distribution of Facilities’, ‘Equity of use of facilities’ items ranked highly positions in importance, Second, almost items had the significant difference between importance and satisfaction except ‘sense of belonging’ ‘Reliable clothing’. Lastly, The quadrantⅠ is ‘Relieve stress’, ‘Provide exercise opportunities’, ‘health’, ‘Various exercise experience’, ‘Learning motor skills’, ‘Professor's ability’, ‘Professor's Leadership’, ‘Professor's Integrity’, ‘Appropriateness of lecture method’, ‘Fairness of evaluation’, ‘Professor's Communication skills’. The quadrantⅡ is ‘Variety of classes’, ‘Grades Construction’, ‘Number of participants’, ‘Difficulty of teaching’, ‘Number of courses’, ‘Evaluation method’, ‘Participation time’, ‘Variety of Facilities’, ‘Facility accessibility’, ‘Facility Distribution’, ‘Facility use Fairness’, ‘Facility Operation’, ‘Facility convenience’, ‘Facility safety’ And the quadrantⅢ includes ‘Student Exchange’, ‘Sports knowledge’, ‘Leadership Improvement’, ‘sense of belonging’, ‘Sex distribution’ and the last, ‘Reliable clothing’ are needed.
Key Words
교양체육, IPA, Recognition of Physical Education
Influences of 12-week Futsal Exercise on Depression Tendency and Physical Self-concept 12주간 풋살 운동이 우울성향과 신체적 자기개념에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to understand the influences of futsal exercise conducted for a period of 12 weeks on depression tendency and physical self-concept. In terms of research method, this study verified the magnitude of the effects of exercise intervention through a single case study A-B, and supplemented the result of the quantitative data by acquiring qualitative data from in-depth interviews and exercise journals. A total of 5 adult males living in Ilsan in their 20’s and 30’s with depression tendencies and physical self-concepts for a period of 15 weeks (3 weeks of baseline and 12 weeks of exercise treatment), and their perception of the changes in their depression tendencies and physical self-concepts were assessed through analysis of the qualitative data. The findings of the research is as follow; First, 12-week futsal exercise systematically decreased depression tendencies. Second, 12-week fusal exercise significant increases in 10 sub-factors of physical self-concept. Third, as for the period of participation in the futsal exercise, longer period of participation led to greater effect on both depression tendency and physical self-concept. Fourth, 12-week futsal exercise showed positive effects on depression tendency and self-concept, which included decreased depression, recognition of the importance of groups, motivation for exercise, increased physical strength, improved self-confidence and changes in living attitude.
Key Words
풋살운동, 우울성향, 신체적 자기개념, futsal exericise, depression, physical self-concept
Application of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) - As A Rehabilitation Tool to Patient After Stroke 뇌졸중 환자의 재활을 위한 경두개 직류전기자극의 활용
김상범SangbumKim , 김석진Seok-jinKim
56(1) 153-166, 2017
Application of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) - As A Rehabilitation Tool to Patient After Stroke 뇌졸중 환자의 재활을 위한 경두개 직류전기자극의 활용
김상범SangbumKim , 김석진Seok-jinKim
Stroke is one of the leading cause of chronic motor disabilities. The patients after stroke suffer from mild to severe disabilities. Especially, motor deficits on upper and lower limb by stroke cause negative effects on their daily life. Non-invasive stimulation involves modulation of the central nerve system by electrically activating neurons in the brain has been arising to as a new approach to explore the effects on the neurorehabilitation. Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) which is portable, economical and easily accessible, is becoming a popular treatment protocol. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the results of recent papers applied tDCS protocol to chronic stroke patients and applicable guidelines for the successful rehabilitation program in the future. As we reviewed, tDCS can be a new technique to enhance motor function recovery and to organize re-learning systems for the chronic stroke patients. But further considerations to apply the precise tDCS stimulations of duration, intensity, type, and location will be required. Also, additional researches recruiting other types of stroke (e. g. acute or subacute patients) will be needed to specify effects of tDCS.
Key Words
뇌졸중, 경두개직류전기자극, 운동기능회복, 재활, Stroke, Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation, tDCS, Motor function recovery, Neurorehabilitation
Effects of Social Support and Psychological Well-being on Intention to Exercise Maintenance of Elderly Pilates Participants 필라테스 신체활동 참여노인들의 사회지원과 심리적 안녕감이 운동지속의도에 미치는 영향
김석일KimSeok-il , 오현옥OhHyun-ok
56(1) 167-180, 2017
Effects of Social Support and Psychological Well-being on Intention to Exercise Maintenance of Elderly Pilates Participants 필라테스 신체활동 참여노인들의 사회지원과 심리적 안녕감이 운동지속의도에 미치는 영향
김석일KimSeok-il , 오현옥OhHyun-ok
This study was to investigate the effect of social support and psychological well-being on intention to exercise maintenance in elderly pilates participants. The study was a descriptive with 203 elderly pilates participants. Data were analyzed using factor analysis, correlation analysis, reliability analysis and path analysis. The results were as follows. First, 24 months or more group showed high scores on family support and intention to exercise maintenance than did the low group. Second, all of social support factors (others support and family support) influenced positively on psychological well-being(self-acceptance/development and environmental governance). Second, others support influenced positively on intention to exercise maintenance. Third, environmental governance in psychological well-being influenced positively on intention to exercise maintenance.
Key Words
사회지원, 심리적 안녕감, 운동지속의도, 필라테스, social support, psychological well-being, intention to exercise maintenance, pilates
The Mediation Effect of Adolescent Athletes’ Passion and Identity in the Relationship Between Positive Thinking and Sports Happiness Perception 긍정적 사고와 스포츠 행복지각의 관계에서 청소년 선수들의 열정과 정체성의 매개효과
정구인JungKoo-in , 송기현SongKi-hyun
56(1) 181-195, 2017
The Mediation Effect of Adolescent Athletes’ Passion and Identity in the Relationship Between Positive Thinking and Sports Happiness Perception 긍정적 사고와 스포츠 행복지각의 관계에서 청소년 선수들의 열정과 정체성의 매개효과
정구인JungKoo-in , 송기현SongKi-hyun
The objective of the study is to identify the structural relationship between adolescent athletes’positive thinking and passion, identity and sports happiness perception and analyze the mediation effect of passion and identity in the relationship between positive thinking and sports happiness perception. In order to achieve such research goal, male and female athletes’from physical education and regular high schools across the nation (Seoul/Gyeonggi Province, Gangwon, Chungcheong, Yeongnam and Honam regions) were recruited; using a convenience sampling method, a total of 306 samples were selected as the final effective samples. The data went through a goodness-of-fit test for the whole model using SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 and a hypothesis test. The result is as follows: first, positive thinking had positive influence on harmonious passion and obsessive passion, while it had no significant influence on identity and sports happiness perception. Second, harmonious passion had no significant influence on identity, while obsessive passion had significant impact on identity. Moreover, harmonious passion had positive influence on sports happiness perception, while obsessive passion had significantly negative influence. Third, identity was revealed to have significant influence on sports happiness perception. Lastly, the mediation effect of passion revealed that only harmonious passion and identity played a significant mediation role in the relationship between positive thinking and sports happiness perception.
The Development and Validation of the Ego-Resilience Scale for Athlete 대학운동선수의 자아탄력성 척도 개발 및 타당화
56(1) 197-215, 2017
The Development and Validation of the Ego-Resilience Scale for Athlete 대학운동선수의 자아탄력성 척도 개발 및 타당화
The purpose of this study was to develop the Ego-resiliency scale and to examine the validity of the scale. In order to accomplish the purpose of this study, players of Seoul, Gyeonggi, Daejeon, Jeonju, Gwangju, Daegu, and Busan province made the population and 868 of them were sampled through the convenience sampling. For analysis, RRSM, CEFA, CFA, validity analysis and analysis of MCFA were carried out by using of WINSTEPS 3.65, CEFA 3.04 and AMOS 18.0 program. The level of statistical significance was all set at α= .05. and CEFA and CFA, and MCFA fit was used TLI, RMSEA, AVE, the concept of reliability. The findings of the study were as follows: First, the factorial structure of ERS was extracted as 4 factors with 20 items. Second, after the suitability and validity on 4 factors with 20 items extracted by using of same population data were analyzed, the suitability and validity were fulfilled. Third, the analysis of MCFA on Ego-resiliency Scale according to gender differences was carried, and cross validity was fulfilled.
The Relationship among Achievement Goal Orientation, Self-Management and Sport Confidence In High School Taekwondo Players 고등학교 태권도 선수들의 성취목표성향과 자기관리 및 스포츠자신감의 관계
최진철ChoiJin-chul , 장세용JangSeyong
56(1) 217-230, 2017
The Relationship among Achievement Goal Orientation, Self-Management and Sport Confidence In High School Taekwondo Players 고등학교 태권도 선수들의 성취목표성향과 자기관리 및 스포츠자신감의 관계
최진철ChoiJin-chul , 장세용JangSeyong
This study aims to analyze the impact of achievement goal orientation and self-management strategy on sport confidence in Taekwondo players and provide basic data helpful for improving their ability to play Taekwondo, and resultingly, our conclusions can be drawn as follows. For this purpose, the subjects were selected via purposive sampling method of nonprobability sampling with 355 high schools Taekwondo athletes. The collected data were analyzed with CFA, Regression through SPSS 21.0, SPSS PROCESS Macro, AMOS 21.0 program. Results are summarized as below: First, as a result of analyzing the impact of achievement goal orientation on self-management, it was found that task orientation and self orientation had a significant positive impact on all subfactors of self-management. Second, as a result of analyzing the impact of achievement goal orientation on sport confidence, it was found that task orientation -subfactor of achievement goal orientation had a significant positive impact on all subfactors of sport confidence and self-orientation had a significant impact on persistence and physical prime -subfactors of sport confidence. Finally, as a result of analyzing the impact of self-management on sport confidence, it was found that mental management and body management - subfactors of self-management had a significant positive impact on all subfactors of sport confidence and interpersonal management had a significant impact on physical prim and persistence -subfactors of sport confidence.
Key Words
태권도, 성취목표성향, 자기관리, 스포츠 자신감, Taekwondo, Achievement goal orientation, self management, Sport confidence
Psychological Effects of Gym Suits on New Elders' Athletic Participation 운동복이 신노년층의 운동참여에 미치는 심리적 영향
백소영BaekSo-young , 권오정KwonOh-jung
56(1) 231-245, 2017
Psychological Effects of Gym Suits on New Elders' Athletic Participation 운동복이 신노년층의 운동참여에 미치는 심리적 영향
백소영BaekSo-young , 권오정KwonOh-jung
This study was executed to figure out psychological effects of gym suits on new elders' athletic participation. For the purpose, open surveys were conducted about people in their older than 60(24 men and 46 women) who were regularly participating physical activities for a decade on average. As a result, a total of 141 source materials were collected about replies telling they ‘liked gym suits’ which they wore while doing exercising. Those source materials were categorized into three general areas, such as revitalization of athletic participation, affective optimization, formation of positive social images. In addition, a total of 127 source materials were collected about replies telling that they ‘didn't like gym suits’ which they wore while doing physical exercise. Those 127 source materials were categorized into three general areas, including a decline of intentions to exercise, negative affective experience, a deficiency of social images. According to in-depth interviews conducted based on inductive categorization, gym suits had psychological effects affecting positively or negatively the level of participation in physical exercise, effects of exercise, emotional states, confidence in outward appearance, formation of self-images and sociability, regarding new elders' participation in physical exercise. In conclusion, gym suits had mental effects affecting new elders' level of athletic participation and their athletic participation emotion and self-images. Based on results of this study, discussions were made about the necessity to consider various external factors in order to encourage new elders to participate in physical activities, to understand their characteristics and to find proper strategies to motivate them to take part in exercising.
Influence of Coaching Styles on Athletes’ Psychological Need Satisfaction, Mental Toughness, and Burnout in Sport Context 스포츠 상황에서의 코칭방식이 선수들의 심리적 욕구만족, 정신력, 그리고 소진에 미치는 영향
Influence of Coaching Styles on Athletes’ Psychological Need Satisfaction, Mental Toughness, and Burnout in Sport Context 스포츠 상황에서의 코칭방식이 선수들의 심리적 욕구만족, 정신력, 그리고 소진에 미치는 영향
In the present study, we examined the effect of coaching behavior (i. e., autonomy support and controlling coaching behavior) on athletes’psychological needs, mental toughness and burnout in sport. Data were collected from 139 collegiate student-athletes, which were analyzed by correlation and path analysis. The results showed that coach’s autonomy support positively predicted the basic psychological need (BPN) than controlled coaching style. BPN also positively predicted the mental toughness, whereas, controlling coaching behavior positively predicted burnout of the athletes. The results demonstrated that mental toughness are possibly dependent on coach motivating styles and BPN. The findings showed that the BPN facilitated by autonomy supporting behavior of coach plays an important role in the development of mental toughness, and positive outcomes in sport.
Development and Verification of Taekwondo Coach's Expertise 태권도지도자의 전문성 척도 개발 및 타당도 검증
최유리ChoiYou-lee , 이용국LeeYong-kuk
56(1) 263-274, 2017
Development and Verification of Taekwondo Coach's Expertise 태권도지도자의 전문성 척도 개발 및 타당도 검증
최유리ChoiYou-lee , 이용국LeeYong-kuk
This study aims to develop Taekwondo Coach's Expertise Scale Development and Validity Verification. In order to achieve this study purpose, first, the preliminary items for measurement scale were collected through open-ended questions and were developed by inductive content analysis. Second, the preliminary investigation for construct validity was conducted by both exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. Third, in the final process, difference verification was conducted to verify external validity of the scale. As a result, the measurement scale of Taekwondo Coach's Expertise Scale Development and Validity Verification consists of 14 items: Athlete coaching (n=7), Athlete Management (n=4) and Self-Management.
Key Words
태권도지도자, 전문성, taekwondo coach, expertise
The Narrative Inquiry on Student-athletes and Retired-athletes’ Experiences 학생선수와 은퇴선수의 삶에 대한 내러티브 탐구
이철웅LeeChul-woong , 정용철ChungYong-chul
56(1) 275-286, 2017
The Narrative Inquiry on Student-athletes and Retired-athletes’ Experiences 학생선수와 은퇴선수의 삶에 대한 내러티브 탐구
이철웅LeeChul-woong , 정용철ChungYong-chul
The purpose of this study was to understand both student-athletes and retired athletes’ experiences regarding their lives as elite athletes. To achieve this purpose, four student-athletes and four retired athletes were selected. Each face to face interview lasted for 1 to 2 hours and all interviews were transcribed verbatim. All transcripts were then analyzed using the standard procedure of narrative inquiry. The results revealed the following. First, unlike existing student-athlete literature, student-athletes built their own world separated from the conventional athletic culture. Second, the difference between the 'actual self' and ‘ideal self’ was found among the both groups according to the self-discrepancy theory (Higgins, 1987). Third, changing athletic culture in recent years obviously led the individual athletes to grow and provide opportunity to participate in various social interactions. Finally, the difference of the inherent value of happiness and sacrifice was evident between student-athletes and retired athletes.
Key Words
학생선수, 은퇴선수, 내러티브, 선수학습권, Student-athletes, retired athletes, narratives, athletes` right for education
Design and Implementation of Physical Education Class for Female High School Students Using the Promotion Strategies of Physical Activity 신체활동 증진 전략 기반 여고생 체력수업 설계 및 실행: 질적 연구 중심 혼합연구
강형길KangHyoung-kil , 이규일LeeGyuI-l
56(1) 287-304, 2017
Design and Implementation of Physical Education Class for Female High School Students Using the Promotion Strategies of Physical Activity 신체활동 증진 전략 기반 여고생 체력수업 설계 및 실행: 질적 연구 중심 혼합연구
강형길KangHyoung-kil , 이규일LeeGyuI-l
The purpose of this study is to examine the SPARK program as a teaching tool in physical education classes to improve fitness levels of female high school students. This study used qualitative approach-focused mixed method, and ninety-six female high school students in P city participated in this study. Among the ninety-six female students, forty eight students participated in the SPARK program for two months, and the non-SPARK-based physical education classes were provided for the rest of 48 students. For quantitative data collection, the fitness levels of participants were measured using GT3X accelerometers and FitnessGram, For the qualitative data collection, observation, interview, and document analysis were conducted. Results showed that female high school students who participated in the SPARK program had the decreases of low intensity levels of physical activity and the increases of moderate to vigorous intensity levels of physical activity. In addition health-related fitness factors were improved as a result of the SPARK program. Female high school students in the SPARK program also experienced ‘the meaning of bodily experienced exercise’, ‘physically active day’, and ‘the power to maintain exercise by themselves.’ In the discussion section, theoretical and practical implications and future research suggestions are provided.
Key Words
여고생, 건강 체력, 신체활동, SPARK 프로그램, 혼합연구
Does Relegation Matter? Effect of Relegation on Fan Loyalty in Professional Soccer: A Case of K-league 리그 강등(relegation)이 팬들의 구단 충성도에 미치는 영향: 국내 프로축구(K리그)를 중심으로
안준상AhnJunsang , 노예영NohYeayoung
56(1) 305-318, 2017
Does Relegation Matter? Effect of Relegation on Fan Loyalty in Professional Soccer: A Case of K-league 리그 강등(relegation)이 팬들의 구단 충성도에 미치는 영향: 국내 프로축구(K리그)를 중심으로
안준상AhnJunsang , 노예영NohYeayoung
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of remaining in the first division and relegating to the lower division on fans’ loyalty (attitudinal and behavioral) toward the teams and on fans’ BIRGing and CORFing tendencies. A longitudinal field study on professional soccer and focus group interview were undertaken to achieve aforementioned purposes. The results derived through multiple steps of data analysis demonstrated that there was statistically significant decrease in attitudinal loyalty for both group of fans while the change in behavioral loyalty were not significant. In other words, struggling in the relegation zone, regardless of the outcome, is a factor that affects fans' attitudinal loyalty to shift in a negative direction. For BIRGing and CORFing, both displayed significant decrease for both relegated and remained in the higher division teams. Thus, once again, struggling in the relegation zone, regardless of the outcome, is a factor that affects fans' BIRGing and CORFing behaviors to decrease. Fans support their teams’ hard work and fight against relegation. In other words, the hard working process is what matters more to fans than actually outcome whether it is relegation or remaining in the higher division.
Key Words
승강제, 강등, 구단 충성도, promotion and relegation, team loyalty, BIRGing, CORFing, K-league
Qualitative Study on the Contract Theory and Contractual Relationship between Korean Professional Players and Clubs 국내 프로스포츠 선수와 구단 간 경제적 관계의 계약이론에 대한 질적 연구
장윤창ChangYoon-chang , 김필수KimPhil-soo
56(1) 319-329, 2017
Qualitative Study on the Contract Theory and Contractual Relationship between Korean Professional Players and Clubs 국내 프로스포츠 선수와 구단 간 경제적 관계의 계약이론에 대한 질적 연구
장윤창ChangYoon-chang , 김필수KimPhil-soo
This study adopts the theory of contracts and qualitative methods to reveal contractual relationship between Korean professional players and club administrative office. Previous studies in sports management and economic literatures lack understanding the theoretical rationale of professional sports economic contracts and conflicting problems between players and clubs. The purpose of this study is to theorize contractual theory and investigate information asymmetric problems. The assessment of qualitative research methodology was rendered by interviewing professional club head coaches and players. Our inductive analysis related to contractual relationship between players and clubs can be categorized into following results. First, we find that there exist informational asymmetry between clubs and players due to the differences of information possession. Second, information asymmetry provide clubs to seize comparative advantages in bargaining economic contracts dominating over players. Sometimes the club administrative office can even intervene the operation of rosters and squads. Third, players lack legal knowledge regarding professional sports contract which results as inferior status in contractual negotiations. Fourth, we find that current institutional system on contractual concerns is not adequate to solve various information asymmetric problems between players and clubs. Finally, we contend with a view that invigorating sports agency system is necessary to supplement institutional void derived from contractual issues. In conclusion, our qualitative results and comprehensive theorization of contract theory may serve as effective reference points to support as solutions to contract information asymmetry.
Key Words
프로스포츠, 계약이론, 정보비대칭, 질적연구, Professional Sports, Contract Theory, Information Asymmetry, Qualitative Research Method
A Study of Organizational Attitude by the Types of Employees of the Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games 올림픽 조직위원회 직원들의 근무형태에 따른 직무태도에 관한 연구
황재연JaeyeonHwang , 이윤영YounyoungLee
56(1) 331-344, 2017
A Study of Organizational Attitude by the Types of Employees of the Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games 올림픽 조직위원회 직원들의 근무형태에 따른 직무태도에 관한 연구
황재연JaeyeonHwang , 이윤영YounyoungLee
The purpose of this study was two-fold: (a) to compare differences among the variables of organizational attitude(i.e., psychological ownership, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment) and (b) to examine the relationships among the variables affecting organizational commitment by the types of employees(i.e., dispatched employees vs. contract professionals) of the Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games. Data were collected from the employees of the PyeongChang Organizing Committee for the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. Of the 300 questionnaires distributed, 287 completed questionnaires were collected. Of these, 279 were used for the following analyses: descriptive statistics, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, multivariate analysis of variance(MANOVA), and multiple-sample path analysis. Significant group differences in organizational attitude were found, especially in psychological ownership. In detail, contract professionals showed higher levels of psychological ownership than did dispatched employees. The results of the multiple-sample path analysis indicated that psychological ownership had a positive influence on job satisfaction and organizational commitment in both groups. However, the path coefficient value from job satisfaction on organizational commitment was significant only in dispatched employees.
Key Words
올림픽 조직위원회, 근무형태, 심리적 주인의식, 직무만족, 조직몰입, Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games, types of employees, psychological ownership, job satisfaction, organizational commitment
The Relationship Among Instructor’s Personal Service Quality, Customers’ Perceived Service Value, Emotional Reaction, and Re-participation Intention in Dance Program of Apartment Community Center 아파트 커뮤니티센터 댄스지도자의 인적서비스품질과 서비스가치, 감정반응 그리고 재이용의사의 관계
이용건LeeYongGun , 주형철JooHyungChul
56(1) 345-357, 2017
The Relationship Among Instructor’s Personal Service Quality, Customers’ Perceived Service Value, Emotional Reaction, and Re-participation Intention in Dance Program of Apartment Community Center 아파트 커뮤니티센터 댄스지도자의 인적서비스품질과 서비스가치, 감정반응 그리고 재이용의사의 관계
이용건LeeYongGun , 주형철JooHyungChul
The apartment community center plays an important role in providing the residents with a variety of leisure and cultural activities. In particular, dance programs offered by the apartment community center have a characteristic that the service is performed by competence of the leader rather than the physical environment. Given the characteristic, the study examined the relationship among apartment community dance instructor’s personal service quality, participants’ perceived service value. emotional reaction, and re-participation intention. The convenience sample consisted of 375 respondents who have participated in dance programs of apartment community centers in Seoul. For analyzing data, frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and structural equation modeling were employed. The results were as follows. First, personal service quality which consists of instructor’s sympathy, reliability and tangibility enhanced perceived service value. Second, perceived service value induced affirmative emotional reaction, but it has negative effect on pessimistic emotional reaction. Third, affirmative emotional reaction has positive effect on intent to re-participate in dance programs, on the other hand, pessimistic emotional reaction has negative effect on intent to re-participate in dance programs.
Key Words
아파트커뮤니티 댄스프로그램, 인적서비스품질, 서비스가치, 감정반응, 재이용의사, apartment community dance program, personal service quality, service value, emotional reaction, re-participation intention
The Relationship between Exercise of Flexibility Improve and Growth of Height in Short Stature Students 저신장 학생들의 유연성증가운동과 키 성장의 상관성
신현규ShinHyun-gyu , 김영수KimYoung-soo
56(1) 359-367, 2017
The Relationship between Exercise of Flexibility Improve and Growth of Height in Short Stature Students 저신장 학생들의 유연성증가운동과 키 성장의 상관성
신현규ShinHyun-gyu , 김영수KimYoung-soo
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between exercise of flexibility improve and growth of height in short stature students. The study sample consisted of 40 students; 18 males and 22 females whose low-height student on KINESS(Ki Integration Nutrition Exercise Sleeping Stress). The study proceeded through conduction a 30-minute exercise of flexibility improve three times a week for 12 weeks. We used SPSS ver.23.0 statistics program for analysing data and implemented paired t-test to figure out the difference between before and after data of flexibility and height. Also we implemented correlation analysis for relationship between flexibility improve and growth of height. Statistical significance level was p<.05. This result was as follows; the flexibility improvement showed a significant efficacy in growth of height and higher correlation. In conclusion, exercise of flexibility improve was effective on growth of height for short stature students especially. Therefore low-height students have to effort on exercise of flexibility improve by helping relaxation of muscle, mitigation of stress, good posture, and quality of sleep etc. more than any other exercise for growth of height.
Key Words
성장, 키성장, 유연성, 키네스, growth, growth of height, clinic of growth, flexibility, KINESS
A Study on the Socio-Cultural Function of Social Dance 소셜댄스의 사회문화적 고찰
56(1) 369-381, 2017
A Study on the Socio-Cultural Function of Social Dance 소셜댄스의 사회문화적 고찰
The purpose of this study is to understand the socio - cultural functions of social dance by examining the enjoyment and historical significance of couples dancing in the world. Dance of all ages to show the characteristic elements of the social and historical context, which means that the connection is dancing and society. It is necessary to have a social art and dance human instinct is how diverse interests came to live in society. It may be necessary to understand the process and further understanding of dance culture in the ongoing life of the future of human life. First contact is a function of the couple dancing scientific principles to further increase understanding and communication functions and behavior in humans. In addition, social dances of the court achieved the source of the couple dance are settled in a dignified dance to fit social expectations and roles of the upper nobility it was responsible to social, political and artistic features, and the folk dance occurs in the dark ages of medieval dance has claimed the lives implies a social function and vitality of the human instinct of dance as a collective community. The role of men and women appearing in the couple dance is to express the dynamics of social power and women's looks and fashion and features that suggest the incidence in dance, and the Latin rhythms from slave culture following the traditional couple dances such as the waltz had a great impact on the world couple dance culture.
Key Words
소셜댄스, 커플댄스, 춤 문화, 사회문화적 기능, social dance, couple dance, dance culture, socio-culture
A Study on Sports Injury by Sex, Career Level of Middle School Tennis Players 중학교 테니스선수의 성별, 경력수준에 따른 스포츠상해 연구
심영제SimYoung-je , 이중철LeeJung-chul
56(1) 383-391, 2017
A Study on Sports Injury by Sex, Career Level of Middle School Tennis Players 중학교 테니스선수의 성별, 경력수준에 따른 스포츠상해 연구
심영제SimYoung-je , 이중철LeeJung-chul
The purpose of this study was to provide basic data for player coaching, injury prevention and rehabilitation in the future by analyzing the types, locations and causes of various sports injuries related to tennis among youth athletes by gender and career. The subjects were 200 middle school tennis players, 100 male and female. In order to measure the prevention of tennis sports injuries, this study used questionnaires to classify locations, types and causes of injury. The main results from the cause analysis of injury were as follows: The incidence of injuries of the lower extremities was higher in the injured area according to gender than in the upper extremity. The type of injury was the highest in both men and women with strain and sprain, especially sprain and back pain were significantly higher in women than in men. As for the type of injury by career, the lower the career, the higher the risk of fracture. In case of strains, the higher the career, the higher the injury and there was also a difference in abrasion according to career. Carelessness was the highest cause of injury for both men and women. In conclusion, enough warm up and cool down should be performed to prevent injuries of youth tennis players, and muscle strengthening, stabilization of body part and stretching are very important to optimize the kinetic chain. In addition, competition anxiety among youth players can occur in the outward part of the game, so it is very important to pay attention and provide various preventive programs to players who are at high risk of injury.
Key Words
중학교 테니스 선수, 스포츠 상해, 스포츠상해 원인, middle school tennis player, sports injury, cause of sports injury
A Study on Customized Exercise and Growth of Height 맞춤운동과 키성장
The purpose of this study was to provide and imply the information about necessity and importance of exercise accurately and upright for correct growth of height in short stature students and parents. This result was as follows; natural exercise was effects for production of growth hormone more than injection of growth hormones and ripening delay system, ilizarov method etc. Especially customized exercise through scientific exercise careful inspection was more effective than specific sports of jump rope and basketball etc. Customized exercise is the adapted to individually in strength, time, method, period of exercise. It was increase to 25~45 times production of growth hormone more than stability. Also it was to resolve aerobic exercise, muscles exercise, and flexibility exercise functionalize. In conclusion, growth of height exercise need to customized exercise as own physical fitness levels. Therefore short stature students can be fresh and health their body by customized exercise that to prevent of stress and injury, to promote of growth hormone for growth of height, to improve of aerobic exercise capacity, and to increase of fatigue recovery and immunity. Finally customized exercise is the growth hormone exactly.
Key Words
키성장, 맞춤운동, 성장 전문센터, 키네스, growth of height, customized exercise, clinic of growth, KINESS
The Structural Relationship among Taekwondo Studio Relationship Marketing Implement Factors, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty 태권도장의 관계마케팅 실행요인, 고객만족, 재이용과의 관계
조현익ChoHyun-ik , 윤성현YounSeong-hyun , 이정수LeeJung-su
56(1) 405-415, 2017
The Structural Relationship among Taekwondo Studio Relationship Marketing Implement Factors, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty 태권도장의 관계마케팅 실행요인, 고객만족, 재이용과의 관계
조현익ChoHyun-ik , 윤성현YounSeong-hyun , 이정수LeeJung-su
This purpose of this study was to research the impact of taekwondo studio relationship marketing implement factors, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. For this paper, the subjects were the adult customers of 10 teakwondo studio in Seoul. The 406 surveys were used for the final analysis after weighing of credibility. Survey data was processed by using analysis of frequency, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, internal consistency reliability, correlation analysis and path analysis by structural equation model. The following are the results of the analysis: First, price factor of relationship marketing implement factors was not found to have impact on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. But customer relationship directivity, communication, facilities, professionalism of relationship marketing implement factors were have an impact on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Second, customer satisfaction was not found have an impact on customer loyalty.
The Relationship of Body Value, Appearance Instrumentality and Exercise Adherence of Fitness Sports Participants 피트니스 스포츠 참가자의 신체가치와 외모도구성 및 운동지속의도의 관계
장익영ChangIk-young , 이원미LeeWon-mi
56(1) 417-425, 2017
The Relationship of Body Value, Appearance Instrumentality and Exercise Adherence of Fitness Sports Participants 피트니스 스포츠 참가자의 신체가치와 외모도구성 및 운동지속의도의 관계
장익영ChangIk-young , 이원미LeeWon-mi
The purpose of this study was to examine how the body value recognized by sport participants affects appearance instrumentality and exercise adherence. To achieve this goal, the researcher collected data from 194 who were participating in public and private sport centers which were located in Seoul. Data were analyzed by multiple-group analysis using AMOS 18.0. First of all, the results showed that the structural model of the study, which examined the relationship between sports participant's body value, appearance instrumentality and exercise adherence, was suitable. Second, a result of structural equation modeling showed that sports participant's appearance instrumentality affected on exercise adherence. But, sports participant's body value did not affect appearance instrumentality and exercise adherence.
Key Words
피트니스 스포츠 참가자, 신체가치, 외모도구성, 운동지속의도, body value, appearance instrumentality, exercise adherence, sports participants
Present Condition and Advancement of Daejeon Physical Ed. High School & Middle School 대전체육중ㆍ고등학교의 실태와 발전 방안
The purpose of this study is to examine the present condition and advancement of Daejeon physical ed. High school & Middle School, and it aims to review the present condition of physical ed. High school across the country and identify the problems with their facilities to present a plan of improvement and advancement of physical ed. high schools. Accordingly, research on present condition of physical ed. high school and survey research were conducted. The research on present condition showed the result of 16 physical ed. high schools across of country with 3,915 enrolled students. The number of students was found to be the highest with 392 in Seoul, followed by 291 in Busan, 290 in Gwangju and 286 in Gyeonggi. The number of students was found to be the lowest with 113 in Jeju with its combined type with general high school. Survey research was conducted with 323 students and 35 instructors at D physical ed. high school in D Metropolitan City, and the result showed that students’ satisfaction level lowered among upper year students with differences in satisfaction level according to event and school facilities. In regards to instructors, their satisfaction level was found to be high among instructors with a high number of working experiences. Based on the analysis of present condition of physical ed. high school, this study suggested that it would be necessary to install training facilities as a way to solve the problem with present condition of facilities, satisfaction level and operation, as well as cultivate competent athletes.
Key Words
발전방안, 체육고등학교, Present Condition, Physical Ed. High School & Middle School
“PyeongChang Ski History” and the “Korea Daegwallyeong Ski History Museum” 평창 스키역사와 한국 대관령 스키역사관
박기동ParkKi-dong , 윤대중YoonDaeJoong , 최승아ChoiSeungAh
56(1) 441-456, 2017
“PyeongChang Ski History” and the “Korea Daegwallyeong Ski History Museum” 평창 스키역사와 한국 대관령 스키역사관
박기동ParkKi-dong , 윤대중YoonDaeJoong , 최승아ChoiSeungAh
The Pyeongchang area is currently bidding for the 2018 Winter Olympics. A recent study of snowfall in the area and ski competition shows Pyeongchang to be a suitable contender. First, the Korean Ski Association has decided the ‘Jireume' area of Daegwanryeong is the best place to run a ski competition. The reason is that they perceived difficulties in holding a huge ski competition on the Nogadan Peak of Jirisan, Achasan Mountain, Ulleungdo Island etc. Second, the ski museum in Daegwanryeong announced korea winter sports history in the 1999 Winter Asian Games and this has provided a strong reason to attract the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. Third, Various people gave many helps in order to hold the Daegwallyeong ski museum. Moreover as to Pyeongchang, Korea made have the pride called the birthplace of the skiing on the individuals. Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games possible. The conservation of the historical record of the meaning of not only successful hosting of the PyeongChang Olympic Winter Game but also Winter Olympics and ski are necessary in 2018.
Key Words
평창, 2018평창동계올림픽, 대관령스키역사관, Pyeongchang, 2018 Winter Olympics, Daegwallyeong ski museum
A Study on the Psychological Solidarity and Cultural Adaptation From Korean - Chinese Soccer Club Participation Motives 조선족 축구동호인의 스포츠 참여동기에 따른 심리적 연대감 및 문화적응에 관한 연구
오기성JoWoog-yeon , 조욱연WuJi-xing , 김미향KimMeeg-hyang
56(1) 457-469, 2017
A Study on the Psychological Solidarity and Cultural Adaptation From Korean - Chinese Soccer Club Participation Motives 조선족 축구동호인의 스포츠 참여동기에 따른 심리적 연대감 및 문화적응에 관한 연구
오기성JoWoog-yeon , 조욱연WuJi-xing , 김미향KimMeeg-hyang
The purpose of this study is to examine relationships between sport participation motive, psychological solidarity, and cultural adaptation from Korean-Chinese soccer club, so that they could to be developed into Korean member of society through the sports. A questionnaire survey was conducted with a sample of 209 Korean-Chinese soccer club members who being active in Seoul, Gyeonggi, In-cheon area. Statistical analyses were used to analyze the data, including exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, frequency, correlation, and multiple-regression using SPSS(ver 21.0). The results are as follows, Firstly, among the lower variables of sports participation motive, health, stamina, friendship promotion and pleasure seeking were found to have a significant influence on psychological solidarity. Secondly, among the lower variables of sports participation motive, adventure seeking, friendship promotion, health, stamina, deviation from routine were found to have a significant influence on general adjustment and interaction adjustment of cultural adaptation. Moreover, friendship promotion, health and stamina were found to have a significant influence on business adjustment of cultural adaptation. Thirdly, psychological solidarity was found to have a significant influence on the general adjustment, interaction adjustment and business adjustment of cultural adaptation.
Key Words
조선족 축구동호인, 스포츠참여동기, 심리적연대감, 문화적응, Psychological Solidarity, Cultural Adaptation, Korean - Chinese Soccer Club Participation Motives
The Life of Mr. Choi Kui-Sung and Modern Pentathlon History of Korea 최귀승의 삶과 한국 근대5종 역사
박기동ParkKi-dong , 윤대중YoonDaeJoong , 최승아ChoiSeungAh
56(1) 471-486, 2017
The Life of Mr. Choi Kui-Sung and Modern Pentathlon History of Korea 최귀승의 삶과 한국 근대5종 역사
박기동ParkKi-dong , 윤대중YoonDaeJoong , 최승아ChoiSeungAh
Choi Kui-Sung was the korean pioneer of employing modern pentathlon. The purpose of this study is to explore history of modern pentathlon. The researcher (I) have started investigating modern pentathlon through various reports and books (literature). Simultaneously, I initiated study of semi structurized in depth interviewing focusing on woman's memory and current stories. Firstly, the participant of the research (Choi kui-sung), who started horse riding out of curiosity, wanted to participate in Olympics, but failed. However, he encountered modern pentathlon. After that, he tried his best to achieve his dream of being an Olympic participant. As a result, he acquired his dream in 1964 Olympics. Secondly, the research participant started his own business after resigning. Nevertheless, in 1988, he re-started modern pentathlon with the confirmation of 24th Seoul Olympics. Then he tried to spread modern pentathlon. Third, he served for Modern Pentathlon Federation Technical Committee, the 25th Olympic Games in Barcelona judgment, the International Modern Pentathlon Federation Technical Committee, including Vice-President and seeks to develop Modern Pentathlon. Finally, he became the center of modern pentathlon union in Asia. He still is an active vice president of modern pentathlon today.
Key Words
승마, 근대5종, 올림픽, horse riding, modern pentathlon, Olympic
A Study on Relation between Fitness Center Customer Leisure Motivation and Leisure Flow, Leisure Satisfaction, and Psychological Well-Being 피트니스센터 이용객의 참여동기와 여가몰입, 여가만족, 심리적 웰빙의 관계연구
홍형호HongHyeong-ho , 이명철LeeMyeong-cheol
56(1) 487-501, 2017
A Study on Relation between Fitness Center Customer Leisure Motivation and Leisure Flow, Leisure Satisfaction, and Psychological Well-Being 피트니스센터 이용객의 참여동기와 여가몰입, 여가만족, 심리적 웰빙의 관계연구
홍형호HongHyeong-ho , 이명철LeeMyeong-cheol
The purpose of this descriptive study was to verify the relationships among the motive of participation and leisure satisfaction, leisure satisfaction, psychological well-being by patrons in fitness centers. Therefore, The purpose of this study is to provide the basic research data which the fitness industry can be activated, for the importance of the participation in the leisure and improving the quality of Individual life through the investigation of casual relationships between variables. The subjects of study were responded by the 350members of fitness centers from Kyungkido province located. For this purpose, this research selected the 299 copies in total as final valid samples after selected 321 people as the research subjects For data analysis, the following statistical methods were carried out by using the statistical programs, SPSS (ver. 21.0) and AMOS(ver.21.0): reliability analysis, t-test(One-Way ANOVA), confirmatory factor analysis, covariance structure analysis From these methods and data analysis results, the following conclusions were drawn. First, the motive of participation in patrons, who are users of fitness center, was shown positive effects on leisure commitment. Second, the motive of participation in patrons, who are users of fitness center, was shown positive effects on leisure satisfaction. Third, the leisure satisfaction in patrons, who are users of fitness center, was shown positive effects on psychological well-being.
The Relationship among Serious Leisure, Leisure Satisfaction and Quality of Life for Older Korean Adults 진지한 여가 참여 노인의 여가만족과 삶의 질의 구조적 관계
이민석LeeMinSeok , 강희엽KangHeeYeob , 이철원LeeChulWon
56(1) 503-515, 2017
The Relationship among Serious Leisure, Leisure Satisfaction and Quality of Life for Older Korean Adults 진지한 여가 참여 노인의 여가만족과 삶의 질의 구조적 관계
이민석LeeMinSeok , 강희엽KangHeeYeob , 이철원LeeChulWon
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship among serious leisure, leisure satisfaction and quality of life for older Korean adults. To achieve the goal of this study, a total of 245 questionnaires were collected from older Korean adults. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted by SPSS 21, 23 and AMOS 20.0. For the analysis, frequency analysis, validity test, comfirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis and structural equation model analysis were performed. The results of this study are as follows. First, serious leisure had a significant relationship with leisure satisfacion. Second, leisure satisfaction was significantly related to quality of life. Third, serious leisure and quality of life were not significantly related. Fourth, leisure satisfaction was foun to have a mediating effect between serious leisure and quality of life.
Key Words
진지한 여가, 여가만족, 삶의 질, serious leisure, leisure satisfaction, quality of life, older Korean adults
Phenomenological Analysis of the Experience for Female Participants in Fitness Competition Events 피트니스 대회 여성 참가자들의 체험에 관한 현상학적 분석
사혜지SaHyeJi , 김민정KimMinJeong , 이철원LeeChulWon
56(1) 517-531, 2017
Phenomenological Analysis of the Experience for Female Participants in Fitness Competition Events 피트니스 대회 여성 참가자들의 체험에 관한 현상학적 분석
사혜지SaHyeJi , 김민정KimMinJeong , 이철원LeeChulWon
The purpose of this study is to phenomenological analyze the experience for female participants in Fitness competition events. A total of 6 amateur who have experience participating in fitness competition events are selected though snow-ball sampling. Data was collected from in-death interview and participants observation. With this data, coding was dons as first step and group categorization was done as second step in order to achieve the right result from meaningful analyzing. In order to adequate of this study, the peer review was done by one qualitative research specialist and two Ph. D candidates. The motivation of fitness competition of female participation, the difficulties and restrictions while they were participating the fitness competition events, the fun factor of fitness competition events were drawn as the results, and the improve physical selfconcept, psychological satisfaction, and will to re-participate for self-achievement were drawn as the sub-factors of fun experience of fitness competition events.
An Analysis on Relationship among SNS Usage Motivation as A Leisure Activity, School Life Adaptation Behavior and SNS Continuance Intention of Adolescents 여가활동으로서의 청소년 SNS이용동기와 학교생활적응, 지속사용의사의 관계분석
이병찬LeeByung-chan , 장영혜ZhangYinghui
56(1) 533-542, 2017
An Analysis on Relationship among SNS Usage Motivation as A Leisure Activity, School Life Adaptation Behavior and SNS Continuance Intention of Adolescents 여가활동으로서의 청소년 SNS이용동기와 학교생활적응, 지속사용의사의 관계분석
이병찬LeeByung-chan , 장영혜ZhangYinghui
This research is intended to verify the relationship among SNS usage motivation, school life adaptation behavior and SNS continuance intention for exploring the possibility of using SNS as a leisure activity. To achieve the goal, set up the research model and adopted frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability verification, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis utilizing SPSS 18.0 programme. A total of 196 questionnaires were collected from high school students in Chang Won City, Kyung Sang Nam Do, Korea. The results are as follows. First, personal relationship and information pursuit of SNS usage motivation effect on academic adaptation of school life adaptation but amusement pursuit effects negatively. Second, personal relationship pursuit of SNS usage motivation effect on social adaptation of school life adaptation but amusement pursuit effects negatively. Third, both academic and social adaptation of school life adaptation effects on SNS continuance intention.
Key Words
SNS이용동기, 학교생활적응, 청소년, 사용 지속의사, sns usage motivation, school life adaptation behavior, leisure activity, adolescent, SNS continuance intention
A Process of Recreation Specialization in Ski Participants 스키 참여자의 레크리에이션 전문화 과정
56(1) 543-552, 2017
A Process of Recreation Specialization in Ski Participants 스키 참여자의 레크리에이션 전문화 과정
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the recreational specialization process model proposed in the preceding study can be applied to the ski participants in Korea and to organize the recreation specialization process of ski participants on the basis of the results. A personal interview and a group interview for the participants who experienced various levels of recreation specialization in skiing activities were conducted, and the content analysis was performed. Through this process, the stages of recreation specialization are derived and each step was structured as a model. The results of the study were as follows. The proposed recreation specialization process was similar to the recreation specialization process experienced by skiers, but they differ in the composition and content of the concrete steps. Recreation specialization of skiers consists of six stages of interest, entry, maintenance, turning point, activation, and decline. In the course of recreation specialization, turning point and activation phenomenon play a decisive role in improving the level of recreation specialization. As a result of reconstructing the 6 specialization stages in sequence according to the passage of time, the process of improving the specialization level through the conversion experience and activity in the recreation specialization can be repeated and presented in the form of a circulation model.
Key Words
스키 참가자, 레크리에이션 전문화 과정, 순환모형, 전환점, 활성, ski participants, recreation specialization process, circulation model, turning point, activation
A Study on Analysis of Senior Policies in Local Government for Establishing the Leisure Policies of Seniors 노인 여가정책 수립을 위한 지방자치단체 노인정책 분석 연구
56(1) 553-571, 2017
A Study on Analysis of Senior Policies in Local Government for Establishing the Leisure Policies of Seniors 노인 여가정책 수립을 위한 지방자치단체 노인정책 분석 연구
The purpose of this study is to take a look at the leisure policies of seniors in local governments and present the proposals to help establishing the leisure policies of seniors through the relativity with the document analysis result on the basis of the result for document analysis of life style, quality of life and leisure activities of seniors as carried out in the past. In order to accomplish such purpose, the ‘White Book on City Administration’ and ‘White Book on Provincial Administration’ recently published in 16 cities and provinces are gathered to formulate the detailed tasks pertinent to the seniors as presented by respective local government. As a result, the local governments that proposes the most policies are shown in the order of Chungcheongbuk-do, Gyeonggi-do, Ulsan City and Daegu City and the detailed policies are shown in the order of Daejeon City, Busan City, Jeollanam-do, Jeollabuk-do, Jeju-do and Daegu City. Overall, it is shown to have various senior policy proposals but it is insufficient to establish the policies to satisfy the desire of seniors that is gradually changing even now. Therefore, it is considered as required in studies to be carried out with the schemes to enhance the diversity and level of satisfaction applicable in fact through finding out the desire of the seniors.
Key Words
노인정책, 지방자치단체, 노인여가정책, senior policy, local government, leisure policy of seniors
Relationship among Leisure Experience, Physical Self-Concept and Job Satisfaction of Intra Company Sport Club Participants 직장 스포츠 동호회 참여자의 여가경험, 신체적자기개념 및 직무만족의 관계
56(1) 573-588, 2017
Relationship among Leisure Experience, Physical Self-Concept and Job Satisfaction of Intra Company Sport Club Participants 직장 스포츠 동호회 참여자의 여가경험, 신체적자기개념 및 직무만족의 관계
The purpose of this study was to analysis of the relation among leisure, physical self-concept and job satisfaction of intra company sport club participants. The participants of this study were consisted of 419 intra company sport club located in Seoul, Gyeonggi in Korea. Samples were extracted by the convenient sampling methods and finally 419 data were used for this study except for who did not respond or trustlessly responded. In data processing, via SPSS 18.0 version for Window, exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach`s α, correlation analysis were conducted, along with measurement model and structural equation model via AMOS 18.0. The results were as follow. This study show that leisure experience of intra company sport club participants has a significant effect on physical self-concept, job satisfaction. And this study show that physical self-concept of intra company sport club participants has a significant effect on job satisfaction
Key Words
직장 스포츠 동호회, 여가경험, 신체적자기개념, 직무만족, intra company sports club participants, leisure experience, physical self-concept, job satisfaction
The Effects of Leisure Education Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior on the Perception of Personal Health and Generativity of the Middle-Aged Women 계획행동이론(TPB)에 기초한 여가교육이 중년여성의 건강인식 및 생성감에 미치는 영향
김보람KimBo-ram , 황향희HwangHyang-hee , 백소라BaekSora
56(1) 589-612, 2017
The Effects of Leisure Education Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior on the Perception of Personal Health and Generativity of the Middle-Aged Women 계획행동이론(TPB)에 기초한 여가교육이 중년여성의 건강인식 및 생성감에 미치는 영향
김보람KimBo-ram , 황향희HwangHyang-hee , 백소라BaekSora
Grounded in theory of planned behaviors(TPB), we developed the leisure education program to help middle-aged women become more physically active and healthy by increasing their beliefs―namely, attitude, subjective norm, and perceived personal control. To test the effectiveness of leisure education on TPB-based cognitive variables and behavioral outcomes, we assigned middle-aged women into either experimental group(n=28) or control group(n=29). Then, we provided TPB-based leisure education for middle-aged women in the experimental group, while we did not provide all of it for middle-aged women in the control group. We adopted three-wave assessments (at the beginning, at the middle, and at the end) and used repeated-measure ANOVAs in order to examine the experimentally-based longitudinal effect of leisure education on TPB-based variables and its behavioral outcomes. The result showed that middle-aged women in the experimental group perceived higher level of attitude, subjective norm, and perceived personal control than those in the control group. Following the effectiveness of leisure education. middle-aged women in the control group perceived themselves as more healthy and more vitalized/energized than those in the control group. In conclusion, we found that TPB-based leisure education increased positive beliefs(attitude, subjective norm, and perceive behavioral control) about physical activity and personal health and generativity in middle-aged women.
Key Words
중년여성, 여가교육, 계획행동이론, 주관적 건강인식, 생성감, 여가능력모델, Middle-Aged Women, Leisure Education, Theory of Planned Behavior, Perception of Personal Health, Generativity, Leisure Ability Model
Studies on Leisure Satisfaction and Family Relationships among Married Couple According to Leisure Selection Types and Consistency of Leisure Activity 부부의 여가선택유형과 여가일치여부에 따른 부부여가만족과 가족관계에 대한 차이검증 연구
56(1) 613-622, 2017
Studies on Leisure Satisfaction and Family Relationships among Married Couple According to Leisure Selection Types and Consistency of Leisure Activity 부부의 여가선택유형과 여가일치여부에 따른 부부여가만족과 가족관계에 대한 차이검증 연구
The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences of leisure satisfaction with spouse and family relationships according to leisure activity selecting types and matches. 250 questionnaire were distributed and collected from July to September of 2014. Total of 243 questionnaire were used to analyze after omitting false data. The results are as follows. First, the participants whose leisure activity is similar to his or her spouse had higher leisure satisfaction. Second, there was no difference on family relationships regardless the consistency of leisure activity. Third, there was no difference on leisure satisfaction regardless of compromising leisure activity selection. Fourth, the participants who compromise in deciding leisure activity with spouse had better family relationships.
Key Words
부부여가만족, 가족관계, 여가선택유형, 여가일치여부, leisure satisfaction of married couple, family relationships, leisure selection types, consistency of leisure activity
The Effect of Satisfied Physical Education Class on Stress Coping Strategies and Academic Stress 고등학교 체육수업 만족도가 일상에서의 스트레스대처와 학업스트레스에 미치는 영향
임이슬ImLeeseul , 최상진ChoiSangjin , 최명수ChoiMyungsoo
56(1) 623-632, 2017
The Effect of Satisfied Physical Education Class on Stress Coping Strategies and Academic Stress 고등학교 체육수업 만족도가 일상에서의 스트레스대처와 학업스트레스에 미치는 영향
임이슬ImLeeseul , 최상진ChoiSangjin , 최명수ChoiMyungsoo
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of satisfied physical education class on stress coping strategies and academic stress. Physical education class helps students to enhance physical performance, manage healthy life, and equip with knowledge, wisdom, physical combination. Thus, it is necessary to analyze the relationship among satisfaction level of physical education, stress coping strategies, and academic stress. Convenience sampling was used to distribute questionaires to 350 high school students in humanities course within Jeollabuk-do area. Out of the collected questionnaires, 343 of them were used for the final analyses after the data cleaning process. SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 23.0 software were used for the statistical analyses. Confirmatory factor analysis result and value of Cronbach’s α were drawn for the credibility and reliability of the measurement. s a result of the effect of satisfied physical education class on stress coping strategies and academic stress, satisfaction level of physical education class had a positive effect on stress coping strategies. Thus, increasing the effect of physical education class may contribute to reduce negative factors among adolescents such as bullying at school, problematic youth, suicide and so on. Also, practical method of teaching and increasing hour of physical education class should be considered in order to improve satisfaction level of physical education class.
An Exploration of the Self-Identity of Dance-Majored Collegiate Students 무용전공대학생이 인지하는 ‘나’: 자아정체성의 탐색
이해준LeeHai-joon , 최진실ChoiJin-sil
56(1) 633-644, 2017
An Exploration of the Self-Identity of Dance-Majored Collegiate Students 무용전공대학생이 인지하는 ‘나’: 자아정체성의 탐색
이해준LeeHai-joon , 최진실ChoiJin-sil
Purpose of this study was an exploration of the self-identity of dance-majored collgiate students. All of the data was analyze within photo-voice and participants who are majored in dance are belonging to H University in Ansan Gyunggi. Helps to understand seeking students’ self-identity whose major is dance, and realize who they are. As a result of the research, they define themselves as students studying ‘dance', and it has been shown that the life pattern within the framework of university now has an important influence on future career. In addition, it was found that it is customary to manage oneself thoroughly in comparison with prejudice and performances of dancers image that others see. In the process of exploring the identity of the dance students who are meaningful for their daily life in the confusion of society toward their big and small goals, There is significance in interpreting and sharing the truth.
The purpose of this study was to identify trainees’specific opinion about service quality of training institute for senior sports institute. Total 569 surveys were used for revised importance-performance analysis. The results were as follows. Firstly, in case of current instructor group,Ⅰquadrant included location, atmosphere, proper teaching method, kindness of staff, immediacy of business handing, proper class hour, accessibility, parking lot, punctuality and lecturers’preparation. Ⅱquadrant included attitude of staff, reputation, lecturers’feedback, internet service, communication with lecturers, and interaction among students. Ⅲquadrant included career exploration and employment information. Ⅳquadrant included rest area, amenity, availability of education, capacity building, professionalism of education context, attendance management, proper allocation of students, lecturers’special knowledge, and teaching material. Secondly, in case of regular group, Ⅰquadrant included location, atmosphere, rest area, kindness of staff, immediacy of business handing, capacity building, parking lot, attendance management and teaching material. Ⅱquadrant included attitude of staff, reputation, career exploration, and communication with lecturers. Ⅲ quadrant included registration fee, internet service, employment information and interaction among students. Ⅳ quadrant included proper teaching method, amenity, proper class hour, availability of education, accessibility, punctuality, professionalism of education context, lecturers’feedback, proper allocation of students, lecturers’preparation, and lecturers’special knowledge.
Key Words
서비스품질, 노인스포츠지도사, 수정 IPA, service quality, senior sports instructor, revised IPA
A Study on Career Exploration Behavior of Elite Taekwondo Player 엘리트 태권도선수의 진로탐색 행동연구
김기중GiJungKim , 오연풍YeonPungO
56(1) 661-682, 2017
A Study on Career Exploration Behavior of Elite Taekwondo Player 엘리트 태권도선수의 진로탐색 행동연구
김기중GiJungKim , 오연풍YeonPungO
The purpose of this study was to identify casual relationship among career preparation behavior, social support, type of career decision-making, and career decision-making attitude for elite Taekwondo athletes. The sample of the study was middle-high school students and university Taekwondo athletes. Subjects(N=500) were selected by using the quota sampling technique one of non-probability sampling. Results are as follows, 1. career preparation behavior(effort of career preparation, career counsel, career research) have significantly influenced on social support. 2. career preparation behavior(effort of career preparation, career counsel, career research) have significantly influenced on type of career decision-making. 3. career preparation behavior have significantly influenced on career decision-making attitude. 4. social support have significantly influenced on career decision-making attitude(level of career decision, career preparation attitude, career maturity). 5, type of career decision-making have significantly influenced on career decision-making attitude. Overall, career preparation behavior of elite TaeKwondo athletes is sub factor for variable that have influenced on career decision-making attitude through social support and type of career decision-making. Consequently, it's time to give a chance and information for middle-high school and university who were in the period of diverse future searching to have more experiences of various career guidance programs should be conducted and opportunities should be provided indirectly to experience the world of work for about the future way of life.
Key Words
엘리트 태권도 진로탐색행동연구, career preparation behavior, social support, type of career decision-making, and career decision-making attitude
Effects of Treadmill Exercise on Muscle Transcription Factors and TGF-β1 Expression in Aged Rats 트레드밀 운동이 노화 쥐의 근육 전사인자 및 TGF-β1 발현에 미치는 영향
김연희KimYeon-hee , 윤진환YoonJin-hwan , 김유미KimYou-mi
56(1) 683-693, 2017
Effects of Treadmill Exercise on Muscle Transcription Factors and TGF-β1 Expression in Aged Rats 트레드밀 운동이 노화 쥐의 근육 전사인자 및 TGF-β1 발현에 미치는 영향
김연희KimYeon-hee , 윤진환YoonJin-hwan , 김유미KimYou-mi
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of treadmill exercise on muscle transcription factor and TGF-β1 expression in aged rats. 20 month-old male Wistar rats were randomly assigned control group (Control; n=10) and treadmill exercise group(Exercise; n=10). The rats in exercise group was made to treadmill(5 days/week, 30 min/day) for 8 weeks. In the present results, exercise group enhanced muscle transcription factor(MyoD, Myf-5, myogenin), TGF-β1 expression and forelimb grip strength compared to the control group(p<.05). These results showed that treadmill exercise inhibit the progression and improves function of skeletal muscle in aging.
The Effect of Aromatherapy Influencing on Brain Waves, Blood Pressure, and Heart Rate of Archery Athletes 아로마테라피가 양궁선수의 뇌파 및 혈압 심박수에 미치는 효과
김승석KimSeung-suk , 강소형KangSo-hyung
56(1) 695-701, 2017
The Effect of Aromatherapy Influencing on Brain Waves, Blood Pressure, and Heart Rate of Archery Athletes 아로마테라피가 양궁선수의 뇌파 및 혈압 심박수에 미치는 효과
김승석KimSeung-suk , 강소형KangSo-hyung
This To investigate the effectiveness of aromatherapy which affects to the brain wave, blood pressure and heart rate of the archery athletes, we researched fifteen athletes who had career more than 5 years, and did not have any experience of aromatherapy. We measured the change α wave & β wave of brain wave, blood pressure, and heart rate as the measuring variables after applying aromatherapy. In the processing of the data of this research, we yielded the average and standard deviation using software SPSS/PC+ Win18.0 Version, and we conducted corresponding t-test(paired t-test) to verify the change of brain wave, blood pressure, and heart rate before/after the test of single-group design. All of the statistical significance level were verified at the level of p<.05. We've got the conclusion based on the test result of before/after applying aromatherapy. For the change of brain wave, α-wave showed the increase of significance after applying aromatherapy, whereas β-wave did not show change of significance. And alteration of blood pressure in a systole and diastole showed a decrease of significance. Change of blood pressure also showed decrease of significance after applying the therapy. Therefore, when synthesizing above results, aromatherapy gives archery athletes to positive effects of psychological and physiological relaxation and reduction of stress.
Elastic Band Exercise's and Aerobic Exercise's Influences on the Elderly People's Health-Relevant Basic Fitness and Vascular Health 탄성밴드운동과 유산소성운동이 노인의 건강관련 기초체력 및 혈관 건강에 미치는 영향
강소형KangSo-hyung , 김승석KimSeung-suk
56(1) 703-711, 2017
Elastic Band Exercise's and Aerobic Exercise's Influences on the Elderly People's Health-Relevant Basic Fitness and Vascular Health 탄성밴드운동과 유산소성운동이 노인의 건강관련 기초체력 및 혈관 건강에 미치는 영향
강소형KangSo-hyung , 김승석KimSeung-suk
In order to identify the elastic band exercise's and aerobic exercise's effects on the elderly people's health relevant basic fitness and vascular health, this study conducted an elastic band exercise program and an aerobic exercise program targeting 30 elderly people. For this purpose, this study arranged 15 old people to the exercise group and the other 15 people to the control group, respectively. The exercise group was given 5 exercise sessions every week for 9 weeks, and one-day exercise time was taken for total 65 minutes. And as the aerobic exercise, the static bicycle having its back was used for 15 minutes per session, and for the exercise intensity, the exercise was taken 30 times per 1 minute with the step 1 load for 3rd week, and 25 times per 1 minute with the step 2 load from 4th weeks to 6 weeks and 20 times per 1 minute with the step 3 load for 7-9 weeks. The band exercise program was taken for 3 sets with a yellow band for initial 3 weeks, and the exercise intensity was gradually increased to 3 sets with a red band from 4th to 6th weeks, and to 3 sets with a green band from 7th-9th weeks. Each set was composed of 10-times movements. After conducting the band exercise program, this study got the following results. The grip power, the abdominal muscle, the upper body-forward bending as the components of basic fitness, and the body fat percentage and the vascular elasticity showed statistically significant changes in the exercise group after their participation in the experiment comparing to the control group. The exercise group also showed statistically significant changes in the exercise period, the main effect and the interactive effect.
Key Words
탄력밴드, 유산소, 노인, 건강관련 기초체력, 혈관탄성, Elastic Band Exercise, Aerobic Exercise, Elderly People, Health-Relevant Basic Fitness, Vascular Health
The Effect of SPARK M-SPAN Based Physical Education Curriculum(1 year) on Amount of MVPA and Health Related Fitness in Middle School Students 연간 SPARK M-SPAN(Middle School Physical Activity and Nutrition) 기반 중학교 체육수업의 중-고강도 신체활동 및 체력 효과 분석
이규일LeeGyu-il , 박재영ParkJae-young
56(1) 713-726, 2017
The Effect of SPARK M-SPAN Based Physical Education Curriculum(1 year) on Amount of MVPA and Health Related Fitness in Middle School Students 연간 SPARK M-SPAN(Middle School Physical Activity and Nutrition) 기반 중학교 체육수업의 중-고강도 신체활동 및 체력 효과 분석
이규일LeeGyu-il , 박재영ParkJae-young
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of SPARK M-SPAN based 1yr. physical education curriculum on amount of MVPA and health related fitness in middle school students. In this study, 6 middle school classes were divided into 2 groups (3 classes : SPARK, 3 classes : control). During 1 year, they participated in physical education class(track and field, soccer, jump roping, fitness). 14 man and 14 women were randomly selected as subject, we investigated amount of physical activity twice in each unit using accelerometer, and measured physical fitness before and after using fitnessgram. The result is as following, while non-activity and low intensity activity was decreased, MVPA was significantly increased in SPARK class than control. And health related physical activity(aerobic capacity, muscle strength and endurance) was increased in SPARK class except for flexibility. In each male and female group, MVPA was significantly increased in SPARK class. Also in male group, only muscle strength and endurance(curl up, trunk lift) were increased in SPARK class, but in female group aerobic capacity, muscle strength, push up, culr up, trunk lift were increased in SPARK class. Thus, nevertheless there was sex difference, this result showed that SPARK M-SPAN class is more effective to promote MVPA and health related physical fitness than classic class.
Key Words
SPARK M-SPAN 프로그램, 중-고강도 신체활동, 가속도계, 건강관련체력, Fitnessgram, SPARK M-SPAN Program, MVPA, Accelerometer, Health related physical fitness
Transfer Effect of Balance Training 균형운동의 전이효과
전지현ChunJi-hyun , 홍정기HongJung-gi
56(1) 727-734, 2017
Transfer Effect of Balance Training 균형운동의 전이효과
전지현ChunJi-hyun , 홍정기HongJung-gi
The Purpose of this study was to campare the different effects of balance training between stable and unstable surfaces and identify whether effects of balance training on unstable surface can be shown into stable surface. Twenty-one active men (20.14±0.48 years) were participated in this study. Participants were randomly assigned to 3 groups [stable surface group (SSG, n=7), unstable surface group (USG, n-=7), and control group (CG, n=7)]. SSG and USG received same balance training on the different surface. Training groups performed balance training 3 times a week for 4 weeks. Using center of pressure (COP) path measurement equipment, area, length, and velocity of COP path were measured during single-leg standing with eyes open; duration of single-leg standing with eyes closed were measured. There was significant improvement of the duration of single-leg standing with eyes closed between pre and post tests in the SSG(p<0.05); but there were no significant differences between groups. Balance training on stable surface had positive effects on the static balance with eyes closed. These findings indicate that intrinsic conditions in balance training should be considered rather than extrinsic conditions.
The Difference Between Actual VO2max and Cardiovascular VO2max Evaluated in Endurance-Related Field Tests in College Students: A Pilot Study 대학생들의 실측 최대산소섭취량과 심폐지구력 관련 현장검사 추정 최대산소섭취량과의 차이: 파일럿 스터디
최은주ChoiEun-ju , 이연숙LeeYeon-sook , 소위영SoWi-young
56(1) 735-740, 2017
The Difference Between Actual VO2max and Cardiovascular VO2max Evaluated in Endurance-Related Field Tests in College Students: A Pilot Study 대학생들의 실측 최대산소섭취량과 심폐지구력 관련 현장검사 추정 최대산소섭취량과의 차이: 파일럿 스터디
최은주ChoiEun-ju , 이연숙LeeYeon-sook , 소위영SoWi-young
This study was performed to identify the degree of agreement between VO2max measured using one of four types of field tests (Queens College Step Test, Rockport One-Mile Fitness Walking Test, Cooper 12-Minute Run Test, and Balke 15 Minute Test) with actual VO2max measured using the Graded Exercise Test in Korean college students. This study included 39 subjects from K University (male=23; female=16) in Chungbuk province. One-way analysis of variance was conducted to compare actual VO2max with VO2max measured using the four field tests, and a post-hoc test (Tukey) was then conducted. In male students, actual VO2max was 55.69±7.23 ml/kg/min, and there were no significant differences with VO2max values measured with the Queens College Step Test (55.45±5.69 ml/kg/min) and Rockport One-Mile Fitness Walking Test (56.29±3.89 ml/kg/min; p>0.05); however, there were significant differences with VO2max values measured with the Cooper 12-Minute Run Test (48.43±7.88 ml/kg/min) and Balke 15 Minute Test(46.07±4.65 ml/kg/min; p< 0.05). In female students, actual VO2max was 45.30±4.78 ml/kg/min, and there was no significant difference with the VO2max value measured with the Rockport One-Mile Fitness Walking Test (47.92±3.58 ml/kg/min; p >0.05), however there were significant differences with the VO2max values measured with the Queens College Step Test (36.58±3.16 ml/kg/min), Cooper 12-Minute Run Test (32.46±7.64 ml/kg/min), and Balke 15 Minute Test (36.69±4.49 ml/kg/min) (p<0.05). It was found that the Rockport One-Mile Fitness Walking Test and Queens College Step Test were recommended for measuring actual VO2max in male students and only the Rockport One-Mile Fitness Walking Test was recommended for measuring actual VO2max in female students.
Key Words
심폐지구력, 대학생, 현장검사, 최대산소섭취량, Balke 15-Minute Test, Cooper 12-Minute Run Test, Queens College Step Test, Rockport One-Mile Fitness Walking Test, VO2max
The Effect of Neck Balance Taping Therapy on Body Rotation in Golf Swing 경부 밸런스 테이핑 요법이 골프 스윙 시 몸통회전에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of balance taping therapy for stabilization of scalene and Sternocleidomastoid Muscle participate in neck rotation during golf swing. Data were collected from 4 KPGA Golfers and 4 Amateur Golfers. It measured neck rotation degree, an electromyogram, trunk and pelvic rotation degree by taping before and after. The results of this study were as follows: All subjects are revealed significant difference on neck rotation degree(p<.001). On electromyogram’s first section, KPGA group’s driver and iron swings are revealed significant difference in Sternocleidomastoid Muscle(p<.001). and Amateur group’s iron swings was revealed significant difference in scalenus(p<.05). On second section, KPGA group’s driver and iron swings are revealed significant difference in Sternocleidomastoid and scalene Muscle(p<.01). On third section, KPGA group’s driver and iron swings are revealed significant difference in Sternocleidomastoid Muscle(p<.001). On trunk and pelvic rotation degree’s first section, KPGA group’s driver swing was revealed significant difference in trunk rotation(p<.05). On second section, KPGA group’s driver and iron swing are revealed significant difference in pelvic rotation(p<.01). As a result of this study, neck balance taping therapy helps stabilization of neck and rotation of trunk and pelvic during golf swing.
Key Words
경부밸런스테이핑, 사각근, 흉쇄유돌근, 몸통회전, 근전도, Neck balance taping, Stabilization of scalene and Sternocleidomastoid Muscle, Body rotation, EMG
Meta-analysis of the Effects of Regularly Exercise on Fitness and Body composition in Elderly People 노인의 규칙적인 운동참여가 신체조성과 체력에 미치는 효과의 메타 분석적 접근
김영욱KimYoung-wook , 오수학OhSu-hak
56(1) 753-769, 2017
Meta-analysis of the Effects of Regularly Exercise on Fitness and Body composition in Elderly People 노인의 규칙적인 운동참여가 신체조성과 체력에 미치는 효과의 메타 분석적 접근
김영욱KimYoung-wook , 오수학OhSu-hak
The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of regularly exercise related with body composition and fitness of elderly people using the meta-analysis. For the analysis of the data, 35 preceding studies, analyzing the effects of the elderly's exercise program were selected and meta-analysis was conducted by using the CMA3.0 program. The results were as follows; First, it was verified that regularly exercised had ‘moderate' effect on physical fitness of elders as well as body composition and the overall effect size of the regularly exercised on fitness was .777. Second, in the order of fitness and body composition, effect size had affected by fitness and body composition. Specifically, its body composition seemed as the effect size had effectiveness by physical fitness in order of hydrophilic and dynamic balance, balance, cardiovascular. On the other hand, the effect size had influenced by the body composition in order of BMI, muscle mass, fat mass, weight. Third, the body composition was effective in aquatic exercise and resistance exercise, 12 weeks, 50 minutes. Fitness was effective in aerobic exercise and aquatic exercise, 8 weeks, 50 minutes.
Key Words
노인, 메타분석, 체력, 신체조성, Elderly People., Meta-analysis, Fitness, Body composition
An Analysis of Key Concerns of Special School Teachers for PE Classes 특수학교 교사의 체육 수업 걱정거리 분석
이웅배LeeUng-bae , 구교만KooKyo-man
56(1) 771-780, 2017
An Analysis of Key Concerns of Special School Teachers for PE Classes 특수학교 교사의 체육 수업 걱정거리 분석
이웅배LeeUng-bae , 구교만KooKyo-man
The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze key concerns of the special school teachers regarding PE classes. Towards this end, the key worries stemming from PE classes were surveyed by 77 teachers teaching in special schools in Gangwon province to fill in the prepared questionnaires. The data processing was conducted by employing an inductive content analysis method: The results are followings. First, the special school teachers were primarily worried about curriculum, individualized education program, student participation, class environment, professionalism of teachers and safety concern in planning their PE classes. Second, the special school teachers were primarily worried about selection of class topic and implementation, disability of handicapped students, class environment and safety issue in performing the PE classes. Lastly, the special school teachers were primarily worried about performance assessment criteria and method, factors intrinsic to students, feedback on performance assessment results as well as assessment environment in assessing their students during PE classes.
Key Words
특수학교 교사, 체육 수업, 걱정거리, special school teacher, physical education, concerns
A Study on the Necessity and Speciality of the Elderly Physical Education 노인체육의 필요성과 특별성에 대한 소고(小考)
박기용ParkGiYong , 김경호KimKyungHo
56(1) 781-796, 2017
A Study on the Necessity and Speciality of the Elderly Physical Education 노인체육의 필요성과 특별성에 대한 소고(小考)
박기용ParkGiYong , 김경호KimKyungHo
The elderly are the social weaknesses at the end of life. They are weakened by the weakened body. Therefore, elderly people lose their vitality and lose their pride. In the traditional family system of the old era, the old longevity was the pride of the house. To live for a long time, it was honored as an example of life. Obviously, living for a long time was one of the five suits. However, at the age of aging, the elderly regard national finance as the main problem. They are living hard in three sufferings. These are the pains of poverty, the pain of disease, and the pain of loneliness. Therefore, Korea should create a social system that can maintain the healthy body, mind and sociality of the elderly. In the meantime, the study on the elderly physical activity proved to have a positive effect on the elderly. This study reevaluated the necessity and speciality of the elderly physical education presented in previous studies. This is about the future policies of the elderly physical education.
Key Words
노인체육, 필요성, 특별성, the Elderly, physical education, policy, long life, physically disabled elderly
A Review of Magnesium, Iron, and Zinc Supplementation Effects on Athletic Performance 마그네슘, 철, 아연 보충제 섭취가 운동선수의 퍼포먼스에 미치는 영향
56(1) 797-806, 2017
A Review of Magnesium, Iron, and Zinc Supplementation Effects on Athletic Performance 마그네슘, 철, 아연 보충제 섭취가 운동선수의 퍼포먼스에 미치는 영향
Athletes are usually engaged in hard physical training and therefore, they need to have increased demand for energy intake and micronutrients as well which are sufficient to meet their needs. This study focuses on minerals as dietary supplements and their efficacy to enhance athletic performance. This article reviewed previous mineral studies related to athletic performance including pro and cons of mineral supplementation effects. Among minerals, this study reviewed magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), and combined minerals. Based on previous studies, Mg, Fe, and Zn have been considered to have or have not an effect on physical performance although they had various positive effects on the human body. In addition, combined minerals are generally shown to be effective to enhance athletic performance. Adequate nutritional intake is necessary for maintaining health and obtaining ideal performance in athletes and thus a mineral deficiency may impair athletic performance. To clarify an association of mineral supplementation and athletic performance, further studies need to consider various factors related to affect athletic performance.
Key Words
nutrition, mineral supplementation, performance, 영양, 무기질 영양보충제, 경기력
Analysis Learning and Psychological Characteristics by Exercise Participation Level and High School Type 고교유형과 운동참여수준별 학습 및 심리특성 분석
홍예주HongYeju , 최수영ChoiSuyoung , 백운효BaekUnhyo
56(1) 807-817, 2017
Analysis Learning and Psychological Characteristics by Exercise Participation Level and High School Type 고교유형과 운동참여수준별 학습 및 심리특성 분석
홍예주HongYeju , 최수영ChoiSuyoung , 백운효BaekUnhyo
This study was conducted to compare exercise participation level, learning and psychological characteristics by high school types. It was analyzed by using datas from SLES (Seoul Education Longitudinal Study), which consists 5th year total of 229 general high schools and 75 specialized high schools and these are the following results. 1. About learning characteristics by high school types, general high schools were higher in learning attitude, learning effort and learning method than specialized high schools. About exercise participation level, more than 2 hours of participation in exercise showed meaningful effects on high school students’ learning characteristics. 2. About psychological characteristics by high school types, there were no significant differences in creativity, resilience, self-conception, self-evaluation and self-control, but psychological characteristics of students who participated in exercise more than 2 hours or 4 hours showed better results, suggesting that exercise participation level has a good and important effect on high school students’ learning and psychological characteristics.
Effect of Physical Activity Programs on Fundamental Motor Skills for Students with Developmental Disabilities 신체활동 프로그램이 발달장애학생의 기본운동기술 향상에 미치는 효과: 네트워크 분석에 의한 연구통합
윤지운YoonJiwun , 박재현ParkJae-hyeon
56(1) 819-835, 2017
Effect of Physical Activity Programs on Fundamental Motor Skills for Students with Developmental Disabilities 신체활동 프로그램이 발달장애학생의 기본운동기술 향상에 미치는 효과: 네트워크 분석에 의한 연구통합
윤지운YoonJiwun , 박재현ParkJae-hyeon
The purpose of this study was to integrate the effect of physical activity program on gross motor skills for students with developmental disabilities using network analysis. For this purpose, 18 research results that is related with this research issue, the effect of physical activity program on gross motor skills for students with developmental disabilities were integrated. The effect sizes were calculated as the basic unit for equating of different research situations, and 2-mode network analysis was applied by Netminer 4.0 for integrating of 18 research results. The degree, between and eigenvector centralities were selected for evaluating indicators on networks. The conclusions are as follows: First, the physical activity program of 'within 12 week' applied to students with developmental disabilities, the program was most effective. Second, physical activity program for student with developmental disabilities has different effect to the development of gross motor skill.
Key Words
발달장애학생, 네트워트 분석, 신체활동 프로그램, 기본운동기술, students with developmental disabilities, network analysis, physical activity program, fundamental motor skill
Study on Physical Fitness and Athletic Ability of Elementary School Students in Korea and Japan: From the Comparison of the Exercise Habits Survey 한국과 일본 초등학생 체력·운동능력에 대한 연구 - 운동습관조사를 비교 -
아키즈키아카네AkizukiAkane , 캄바야시이사오KambayashiIsao
56(1) 837-847, 2017
Study on Physical Fitness and Athletic Ability of Elementary School Students in Korea and Japan: From the Comparison of the Exercise Habits Survey 한국과 일본 초등학생 체력·운동능력에 대한 연구 - 운동습관조사를 비교 -
아키즈키아카네AkizukiAkane , 캄바야시이사오KambayashiIsao
This research measured the physique, physical fitness and atletic ability that targeted for Korea and Japan elementary children and considered from the view of the exercise habits survey. We targeted for the 5, 6th grader of J elementary school located in Pusan and H elementary school located in Hokkaido. Physical fitness and atletic ability measurement were performed by a new physical test of the MEXT.An exercise habits survey also used the form of MEXT. Looking at results of the total score representing the whole of physical fitness and athletic ability, Korean were significantly lower than Japanese. In addition, Korean favorability for the exercise was higher, but physical activities were short. And we compared the total score of children who belong to sports clubs and have much daily physical activities of both countries, Korean children’s total score was lower than Japanese. In case of children who don’t belong to sports clubs and have few daily physical activities of both countries, Korean’s total score was higher than Japanese. This study showed the importantce of exercise habits to Korean children.
Key Words
신체활동, 신체력테스트, 초등학교 고학년, physicalfitness and athletic ability, exercise habits survey, physical activity